JB-MDL UAS Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: I live in Falcon Courts North. There are some nice fields very near my house.
Can I fly my drone there? It is outside the installation boundary and not near the airfield.
A: That Depends. First, that is private property, even though you are not intending to land there. Secondly, that area is still in FAA Controlled Airspace, starting at the surface. Even if you have permission from the land owner, you would still need authorization from the FAA to operate your drone. Take a look at the UAS Facility Map link to the left for more insight. - Q: Do I have to register the model aircraft or drone I own?
A: Yes, if it weighs more than 250 grams (approximately 9 ounces or 0.55 pounds). If you are planning to fly recreationally, you must fly under the requirements of Part 107 or with an aero-modeling club that follows all the requirements of the Special Rule (AC91-57B) for Model Aircraft(Such as the AMA). However, if you are planning to fly for commercial or civil purposes, you must hold a remote pilot airman certificate and complete all the requirements that it entails, which includes registering each platform you plan to operate. You can learn more and register your unmanned aircraft at the FAA's registration website. - Q: Do any hobby shops provide UAS flight training for free?
A: Yes. Many hobby shops offer flight instruction with the sale of a multi-rotor. In addition many of the Academy of Model Aeronautics 2400 clubs also offer free flight training. To find a club near you, visit www.modelaircraft.org.
Have a question to ask? Submit it HERE. We will try to respond directly back to you and/or post the answer on this page.
WARNING: Operation of unofficial drones discovered within the base perimeter may be subject to seizure by local or base authorities, as well as the operator being subject to legal action and potential penalties. The policy's goal is to protect military aircraft and personnel from the additional risks posed by airborne devices on active airfields, as well as reduce the security risks of drone cameras in secure areas.